
Showing posts with the label moblie compactors manufacture in Haridwar

Industrial Storage Racks| Heavy Duty Racks

  moblie compactors manufacture in Haridwar Industrial storage racks manufacture in Haridwar  can increase your storage capabilities and reduce your overall warehousing needs. Following are the different types of Industrial Storage Racks 1. Drive-In or Drive-Thru This pallet racking system allows your forklift to drive in or through the racking system. The racks are in lines so that there are lanes for the forklift to drive in. 2. Flow or Push Back Racks These racking systems, use gravity to maintain order on the racks. Both these racks have a slight incline to them which uses gravity to move the pallets forward on the racking rails. A flow system has you putting the inventory on the rack on the backside. Then you’d pull the inventory from the front side. The inventory would then “flow-through” the racking system. 3. Cantilever Racking This racking system has a counterweight which helps in creating shelving for bulky items. These have solid steel posts that have horizonta